- File Name Sifu Trainer
- Version
- Download 5289
- File Size 848.68 KB
- File Count 1
- Create Date February 11, 2022
- Last Updated February 14, 2022
You can now download the latest available Sifu PC trainer for free, which includes 10+ cheats for you to use in the game. The trainer is easy-to-use, does not require the installation of additional software and auto-updates in accordance with what version of the game you are running. Here are all the cheats alongside the controls for activating them present in the trainer:
Hotkey | Command |
Num 1 | God Mode/Ignore Hits |
Num 2 | Infinite Health |
Num 3 | Infinite Defense |
Num 4 | Infinite Focus |
Num 5 | Edit Age |
Num 6 | Edit Death Count |
Num 7 | Edit XP |
Num 8 | Edit Score |
Num 9 | Easy Break Defense |
Num 0 | Easy Kill |
Num . | Damage Multiplier |
Ctrl+ | Defense Multiplier |
Ctrl+Num 1 | Set Player Speed |
Ctrl+Num 2 | Set Game Speed |